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Blessing of Hard Work to Overcome Things in my Life

Ethan Miller

Brother Olsen

ENG 301-01

Aug 4, 2021

How I Overcame my Reading and Writing Problem

I had a hard time reading certain things growing up made something difficult for me to realize a hard time because of a lack of interest in books. I had a few struggles with it a few times during my childhood; there are some things I have grown up with that I had to face both in my teenage years. I have noticed some things that helped me understand why I could because of specific issues that hindered me from reading for a long time. In contrast, I have not been able to do what I had to do with reading over that time to help understand one thing I have seen because of my speech difficulty. There was a possibility, sometimes if I remember, of what. I had to work hard to guide a few things in life, which impacted my self-confidence with where I was going in that route in my early childhood. During that time, I had some issues with that I had no interest in reading a lot. Seeing the factors that had some very not good places, there were some problems I had faced of why I did not. Like reading that much growing up, that takes a lot for me to see what causes why I became not happy with books. However, from seeing perspective, my lack of interest became a massive problem for me not to understand anything in my earlier childhood. Growing there are many hard times with that if I enjoy it or not to read, but what had bugged me a lot of the time, knowing a few things that created was my lack of interest in reading books and stuff. That had some negative affect during my childhood that caused a few things between that and how to understand. My childhood back in Utah, bringing many ways. There was much lack of interest in reading is how well I did, I; one of the factors is what I was worried about for the Longest while I have gone without reading. There were things in that time I remember is how I learned that failure is an excellent teacher to help me know of my struggles of reading. A few things to understand why I had much effort with that came with lessons to learn from the lack of interest in reading caused me in that time frame. There are some things I have seen I worked through that struggle that helped guide some places and enabled me to see what I have noticed from that standpoint and see what happened that made me lacking interest in reading. It is how I was not able to because of speech difficulty. The experience I have faced was a challenge, how it showed what helped me understand the problem, that showed seeing how my speech problem hindered. Seeing one thing about what I need to do is to combat it from a different area, which helps guide me through that topic. I understand some things, some paths. Know what the problem was in reading. It helped me see some areas with what I had during that time, seeing issues with what helped me realize that writing and reading were. I have a few reasons I have known a lot, with the struggle with my disability that hindered me from writing over the years. I learned that I take a few steps, that how the process for me took for a long while. From a standpoint, people sometimes knew from experience that writing would not be easy for me. There were challenges for writing that made me a lot of frustrated with myself a lot. I did not understand how I did differently. I have learned a few differences from how I used a few online games to chat with people that way it, that one of the ways. Moreover, there is a struggle with remembering how to read particular that gave a specific challenge to reading word for word. It had helped a few things with the battle when I was home with my mother, she helped me with my efforts, but from personal experience, it is not fun where I had to deal with this in one’s life. Seeing what caused much hard work to get where I need to be, I struggle to help and guide through some to learn how to write. To bother me that much on that, I tried learning how to write for some time, seeing that discouraged long while knowing to it. Some things help me overcome some issues to understand what happened, and some people allowed me to succeed. Some things cause much-complicated stuff that helps to understand what I was facing a lot. At that moment that I learned to live with for a long while, that understanding showed me many things. See, what I could not do was how I learned to work on that for a lot while working hard on that with help from others. I always have to work hard no matter how hard it gets, which will guide me to where I need to be. I learned a lot from those who made me realize some others I can approve of to help me know how to work on reading and writing. A few things that were helpful in my life share some valuable lessons to help me during that showed me a few things that never. Some areas trouble me with how it did. However, I take a few steps on how that will work to help me on that writing aspect that allowed me to realize that I know how to work with a word more, understand more correctly. Working on the paper helped me see my mistakes, allowing me to communicate with other people online. It showed a lot that I never noticed before, which would enable me to improve on writing in order. Sometimes I remember working that hard, showing one thing during my teenage years in Washington State. I had much help from that, and Learning from those who guided me a lot, helped me with I am together. I had to learn that, own my taking with others online helped with that. It showed a lot that learning on my own helped a ton. Seeing that effort has shown men me some opened doors has helped me realize that I need to take a few steps. Seeing some areas had noticed some difficulties with that, so I had to work on that continually, day by day, to work at it. That helps me know what I need to do to write better in the long-term for school Etc. There are places I had seen, and I looked over some aspects of that learned to work. To correct to work that outside. From reading, I had seen many struggles with that growing up during my childhood years. A friend of mine who was my seminary teacher helped me start reading. I had become interested in reading a lot. I have taken a few steps to help me learn how reading and studying the words helped me out a lot of the time. Seeing that perspective allows me to know-how reading helps me get knowledge from that. I noticed a few things that helped me out in the long term and started a new hobby of reading books. That brought much sense, and reading helped me understand things to prepare for a good education in life and beyond. Some help guides through one area that showed a lot to understand the place, that helps see some patterns. Many things help realize a few things that guide to understand how to work a step at a time will show some patterns to study it. I learned from that during the experience in the byu pathway; the best Eng106 teacher helped me realize someplace in work needed to finish; she showed a lot. Understanding that helped me see where I can improve on writing and reading shows what helps to what place I need to do in writing a paper for one of my classes. It helps to understand to have help when needed is valuable in the life of that in my life helped me see what words needed to be worked with it. To see what helped me understand and realized how it helped me improve over that time had taught me a few things that will be helpful to me over time to understand. Some of the things that help me understand what the reading and writing reasons are helped on are now taking a step takes time. Writing that helped me understand is how it showed me how to take a process, step-by-time approach with the writing, and think of a way to be creative with my paper. There are some difficulties in the long-term, but it helps to understand a few key points to overcome that by learning a few new things about it to focus on the subject. There are some things I have learned throughout that time that helped me to see what I need to work on is to take it slow and work on it as best as I can with writing in my studies. Moreover, that showing me a few things from that experience. I have learned a lot from that a lot. I saw growth helped me to understand it. There were some things I have learned in life is how to work to overcome that difficulty to come out of my comfort zone to write. There were people in my life I have always been thankful for in my life who pushed me to who I am today that guided me through much work to get my writing a little better a lot from that. There was a time that being happy and content with those who have helped me realize that it does not have to be all prefects had been there to guide me through the process doing so showed me a lot. Some things that made me realize and work at it finally made more sense to me; how it works for me had many impacts on me for a long while that past learning errors had made much experience for me. Looking back on those who helped me get to this point helped me see what aspects of help I had in my life in writing helped me see what I can improve on myself to work hard at it. There are some things I am grateful for many things helped to see the factor that made in my life that seeing it now, and I am in debt to those in me for helping me to see the potential. Moreover, helping that aspect in my life helped me work on it better day by day. I worked a lot harder in my writing with much encouragement in my life that guided me through my goal in life. There was a specific thing that helped me realize what I can do with that, and having encouragement working with that in school made me realize where I have now today. It helped me see what it holds for me to show what those who helped me realize my disability will not stop me from being who I am today. Moreover, being motivated to work my best is helping me on that showed much with it. To see what guided me to where I am now in writing to improve my grammar and reading, I have taken it a step at a time. It has been helpful to me in my life. Some things helped me to be on a path to help me work hard in my study to be on a path that will guide me to work hard for my future family to provide for them every need. Moreover, work my best in my writing and reading to gather much knowledge. Some things will help me face some complex challenges in life that will help me learn valuable things and improve what I learn on reading and writing for a better future. I am in the thought of where I am today, things for those who helped me get at this point and being that in writing and working on improving it. Furthermore, seeing what I do and catching some errors in my mistakes. I work a bit better on my writing to see what I can improve on each day to what I can use in my writing, and what I can discard in my writing. Some things helped me see what I can work with to help me be a better writer and work on my school assignment a little bit better. Some things guided me through, and it helped me work hard on specific tasks to guide me on how doing a paper works. To see the efforts, I put in will help me learn and gain that experience I can apply in my life. I was seeing what helped me understand what writing helped me to work on my own to work hard that helped me understand a lot.

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